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The Huge Purim Printable Bundle

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The Huge Purim Printable Bundle


The Huge Purim Bundle is here!

Say goodbye to last minute googling for activities, labels, and more. This bundle includes a huge assortment of printables for all your holiday needs for 75% off the original value!

Total package value: $73 You get it for only $18 as a bundle.

Act quickly because only a limited amount of copies are available at this discount!

The huge Purim bundle includes:

9 Crafts for Preschool through Adult:

  1. Purim Puppets - Full color & Color-in - $4.50 - Included!

  2. Paper Graggers - $4 - Included!

  3. Purim Masks - Full color- $5 - Included!

  4. Purim Masks - Color-in - $5.50 - Included!

  5. Do-a-Dot & Simple Coloring Pages - $4 - Included!

  6. Mitzvot Coloring Pages - $3.50 - Included!

  7. Purim Scenes Coloring Pages - $3.50 Included!

  8. Adult Coloring Pages - $4 - Included!

  9. Masquerade Masks - Color-in - $5 - Included!

5 Resources to Upgrade your Purim Feast:

  1. Megillah Place cards - $4 - Included!

  2. Megillah Napkin Rings - $4 - Included!

  3. Hamantaschen Place cards - $4 - Included!

  4. Hamantaschen Napkin Rings - $4 - Included!

  5. Purim Planner - $4 - Included!

4 Labels for Mishloach Manot:

  1. Hebrew - $4 - Included!

  2. English - $4 - Included!

  3. English Pictures - $4 - Included!

  4. Print then Cut/Outline - $6 - Included!

That is everything you need to entertain, eat, create, decorate, and give this Purim!

Great for schools, shuls, and creative families.

Total download size: 170+ MB - make sure you have a solid connection to download properly!

Copyright terms: you may not redistribute this digitally. You may use it as entertainment, decoration for non-profit events - just don't resell it or give it out!

Any questions? Email me at

Happy Purim!

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